Following the debacle at city hall, Tamika Ivanov needs to rebuild her credibility as a journalist by getting the inside scoop on Vatour. Maybe her father, Vadim has answers?Email: Send Me A Voice Message: Follow me here: Purchase Feel free... to DIE:
Voluminous Talks
Behold the mighty Master Voluminous as he provides wisdom and read incredible stories.
Stories of horror, determination, faith, love, war, bloodshed, intrigue, mystery, combat, fun and anything else.
Word of warning, the Master can be rather crude and sadistic with his commentary.
Welcome to a world of beauty and mania. Welcome to MORTIFEROUS ARCADIA!!!
Behold the mighty Master Voluminous as he provides wisdom and read incredible stories.
Stories of horror, determination, faith, love, war, bloodshed, intrigue, mystery, combat, fun and anything else.
Word of warning, the Master can be rather crude and sadistic with his commentary.
Welcome to a world of beauty and mania. Welcome to MORTIFEROUS ARCADIA!!!Listen on
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